Thursday, November 13, 2008

Deep Thoughts from a Six-Year Old - Surviving Sisterhood

Regan has been on track break for a couple weeks now, and, although Hadyn and I are loving spending our days with her, there has been a noticeable increase in the little spats and yelling matches between the girls. They are still trying to adjust to sharing things, giving each other space, the usual problems that two girls that are two and a half years apart in age go through. The other day when I found myself with some one-on-one time with Regan, I talked to her about how, although little sisters may seem annoying at times, that all Hadyn is really trying to do is be exactly like Regan. So I asked her to try to be the kind of sister that she would want Hadyn to grow up to be. Regan smiled and really understood. I walked away, patting myself on the back. Since that talk, I have been blessed with some priceless gems of wisdom and understanding from Regan.

"Mom, I'm only yelling at Hadyn because she yelled at me. You told us to treat each other the way we would want to be treated. So, I'm yelling at Hadyn because that must be how she wants to be treated." Stated with a big innocent eyes. She really thought she was doing the right thing. You can't argue with the logic. Who new the Golden Rule could be turned around that way?

Regan had just come to me after laughing and giggling with her little sister. With an out-of-breath, very excited voice, she told me, "Mom, being nice isn't so bad!"

My work here is done.


Rebekah said...

That is HILARIOUS!! And believe me, I needed the outloud laugh today...

Anonymous said...

How funny! We seem to be having the same issues at my house. Maybe we have girls the same age. They had to stand in the corner 4 different times yesterday for not being nice to each other. I guess that one isn't working, maybe I'll try your idea. Sounds like you did good!

Taneil said...

Is this my old running buddy? How are you? THis is so great I can rekindle old relationships without leaving my own house!!!! Are we reconnected yet?

Beth said...

That is so cute! I love it!!